Sunday 20 May 2012

FULL INTERVIEW: Berbatov about United,Sir Alex,future,memories

"When you score goals,you don't think for the way.You do it at the moment,you score or become a laughing stock, "Berbatov about some of his beauty goals. 


I'm glad i give an example with my behavior, I hope more people will understand it and take an example. At the moment im tired of the constant interest to me. For ther famous people that might not be a problem. In England I'm not the most important, there is interest to other players. They put me in yellow newspapers, because I do not like to talk. In England, as well as in Bulgaria  - when you don't give them an interview, they make up a story. I haven't been in any shows, interviews for a long time, because I do not want to bother people with my presence, when i can do it.

I feel good in Bulgaria, although many of my people are unhappy. I, like a succssesful man, love my country and I want to give examples. I rarely come home, I don't have the opportunity. Sometimes i come home secretly,but this isn't so important.I come, do my work and see my friends. In England, I miss my friends and contacts. I'm a bit antisocial, difficult to make new friendships. My life in Manchester is very uniform, here (Bulgaria) is more dynamic, I feel more alive.

The truth is that when you don't feel part of the team, it's not so hard to accept it. If you are a major player, it's probably worse. It would have been nice if we had won, but what happened has not happened in the movies.The situation in United is such, that I don't play,i don't feel complete as a player. When i don't play, it makes no sense to stay there. My time there ended, I'll go elsewhere. I have more years in football, we'll see who wants me.Quality is quality.I wouldn't modesty, I know what I can.

WHY sitting on a bench at United?
Don't know why I was sitting  on the bench, still looking for that answer. After last season  i went and I asked our manager, "Sir, will you use me?". He said that he needed me and he was going to use me, but it never happened. I was giving a chance very rarely. I have my dignity and , it's time to leave. I didn't expect and didn't deserved this,with the light of what I did last year.


Sir Alex is a dude,accurate,  he knows how to talk to players before and after the match. From a professional standpoint he is there because he knows what he is doing. As a person I can not comment,i don't know him so well. Sometimes i remember some moments in Manchester United and im feeling sad, because I know that this adventure is coming to an end.Can't i be angry,because i wasn't in the squad for the final? I was top scorer in the league. But Sir Alex told me he won't  rely on me, then I felt like someone stuck a knife in my heart. I wanted to hit someone ... I'm not saying we would have won if I played, but ...

I would not have gone to Man City, I do not even think about it. I am a loyal person. I had the opportunity to play for City, but i chose to go to United. Next year, Manchester United will win back the title. At Spurs i had a great period, in United too, I don't have any complains to any players and coaches. And I have no preference where i'll be playing. After Manchester United,everything is lower. Everything depends on whether the offers will come from and whether United will accept it. I want to play in big teams, I got to see for where i have chances and where not. I am a realist, I know what I can. If you go from Manchester to Milan,it's the same level. My idea was to get on top and this happend.

I started training athletics as a child, but my father told me, "What athletics, you are starting football." Many people helped me in the developing of my career. And if I wasn't a footballer, I'd probably work in television. It is interesting to me,im waiting for an invite to a series.

I have always tried to memorize only good memories, but there are bad too. I remember lining up to buy bread. We had a schedule. I now can afford to eat whatever I want, but always look to remind myself where I was, where I started. As I eat something and i don't eat it all, i leave it in my refrigerator and then finish it, just to rememeber that. Small things make me really happy.

I didn't want to go to leverkusen. But others wanted me to go, my father, managers. I got there. Only my father came to help me and we was two men ... how do you think we have lived together. Otherwise for me it helped,i don't have a problem to be alone. Young people who go abroad and then return, are unable to endure the loneliness. Before i was accepting the things more inward, but now ... i can't growling and cry. I went to Germany with a virgin mustache. First i was going to play in Italy ,but to my great joy, the things didn't happend. Then CSKA  sold me for good money. In Leverkusen people have always believed in me. I think i went there to teach to some order and discipline.

Every second asks me about it. The bad thing is that by going to the biggest team in the world, from a small country, you get used to the high level. When you come back here and you are only a football player you can not change the things, can't change the reality. Conditions, pitches, the results ... they affect the way you prepare. In order to have results, you should start from the smallest things. Pitches,training bases, shoes. I care about the national team and I'm sad, I always loved to play for Bulgaria. I can set conditions for my return, I spoke with Penev, nothing to hide. We have agreed to talk again. If i find a suitable team, will see time there.

(c) / traslated by me. Sorry for the bad translation,not enough free time to translate it better.


  1. Simply a class act. Gonna miss seeing Berba in United's kit. But always gonna be his fan.

  2. Sad to see him leave United, world-class technique striker! I will miss you Berba!

  3. Hope to see him back at Leverkusen, have always been a great admirer.
