Monday 16 April 2012


It's been a week since the blog(site) was opened.And it was successful week with more the 2000 visits.I would like to thank to everyone who's visiting this blog every day.

So,im keeping this blog alone,but sometimes i might be not able to update it every day, so im searching for one person who will join the staff and will be updating it regulary with photos,videos & news about Dimitar.You need to speak good english and to be a Berbatov fan.Only people who think they have enough free time & wish to participate in the development of this site to apply please.

Those of you who are interested - leave a comment down or write in the chat box, i will contact you shortly after that,but check the blog for updates related to this please.
(P.s It will be good, if you leave your email or facebook account too,so i can contact you)


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    1. Ясно пише какво търсим.

      П.с без да исках ти премахнах коментара.
